


Obesity is a disease that harms the body in many ways and can have multiple causes. For this reason, it is necessary not to narrow the obesity analysis and treatment processes with only one weight loss, weight control, and calorie counting and to apply a treatment protocol based on metabolic regulation in an holistic way.

Weight loss and obesity are symptoms of an immune disorder or, in other words, inflammation. The process should be followed with an approach based on a healthy metabolism and microbiota.
a. Keeping the person full by eating right with a healthy metabolism regulation,
b. Ensuring insulin sensitivity
c. Comprehensive examination and treatment follow-up with the coordination of Functional Medicine Physician and Functional Medicine Dietitian.
Thus, progress will be made for healthy fat burning.
In this approach,
Ensuring quality sleep,
Removing the factors that trigger inflammatory processes from your life,
Determination of correct nutrition specific to the person, not only by tracking calories,
By supporting the detox mechanisms provides many functions of the body and hormonal balance, and the person's weight gain and permanent health are planned.

Unfortunately, we see unsuccessful follow-up processes and results when the opposite path is followed. In cases where the person is hungry for a certain period and loses some weight and then the weight loss efficiency stops, patients lose their motivation and can leave their diets. This can result in stopping the diet and treatment and faster weight gain.

In summary, individuals must be followed entirely individually for the permanent solution of obesity treatment with a functional and holistic perspective.