
About Me

I was born in Kütahya Tavşanlı. After graduating from Kütahya Science High School, I studied at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine.

During my major training in Pediatric Health and Diseases, I had the opportunity to increase my knowledge and skills in pediatric intensive care in the USA.

After my major training, I continued my service in private health institutions and I work in Child and Adult Health in my clinic.

In 2020, I started receiving functional medicine practitioner training from The Institute for Functional Medicine, established by the Cleveland Clinic, the leading institution in the field of Functional Medicine.

I am one of the few physicians with the title of practitioner in Turkey with the training and authority given by IFM, which has international accreditation.

In parallel with this competence, I continue to serve in my clinic in Child and Adult Functional Medicine. A HOLISTIC and PATIENT SPECIFIC approach is essential in my treatment protocols.

A disease is always a holistic problem of the body and an utterly patient-specific treatment plan should be created.

My Training Background

Advanced Life Support Education in Children

Mechanical Ventilation Education in Children

Newborn Resuscitation Training

The Institute for Functional Medicine Practitioner at Cleveland Clinic

About Me