



Allergies are conditions of impaired immune response in which the immune system cannot distinguish between good and bad and reacts to substances that should not react under normal conditions . 

Genetic and changing environmental factors have increased the incidence of allergic diseases 4 times in the last 20 years. Contrary to popular belief, allergies do not disappear over time, but often change shape. Allergic individuals face another facet of this chronic disease at every stage of their lives. This is called ALLERGIC MARCH .

In Newborn Babies:

Allergic gait is usually starts in the first 6 months of infancy. 

On the cheeks, 

In the form of eczema with dry and cracked skin with redness behind the ear or in the joints 

With intense and prolonged gas pains, 

Increased vomiting. 

In the next period, the additional food period, it usually occurs as follows:

in diarrhea form, 

With mucous or even bloody stools, 

Predominantly intestinal findings such as explosive gassy stools 

During this period, heavy diets are often applied to the baby and, if breastfed, to the mothers, and the baby's intestine is expected to get used to the foods. 

The most typical example of this situation is cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA). Usually, special elemental foods are started. This protein structure is completely broken down to the building blocks are foods. If we consider the nutrients in everyday foods or formulas as bricks, you can think of the nutrients in these foods as the bricks made into powder. The aim is to give these structures fully digested and prevent immunity from recognizing these substances as foreign. What has been done so far is the right step, and it is also suitable for human physiology , because the immune system in the body works like this. Every food taken into the body has a 3-dimensional structure and the sequence of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. The immune system identifies these substances according to this sequence and 3-dimensional shape. These two features are like the identity card of foods. Our body decides whether to accept the substances it encounters as friend or foe according to its identity and creates a response accordingly. If the enemy accepts the food, we do not give them first so that the immune response does not flare up. This is the diet phase. 

These diets, which are often made much heavier than necessary (such as cutting out milk and dairy products from the mother, legumes, fruit and all grains), cannot continue indefinitely. After a while, these foods are gradually tested again for the allergic individual (child). If a reaction is observed, elemental foods (food with an erased identity are given so that the immune system cannot recognize and react) are started. In some cases, a good response can be obtained, it can be continued for a while, the continuation of the diet and the calming of the immunity are expected. 

Critical Process in Allergy Diagnosis and Follow-up!

Continuing the allergy diagnosis and follow-up process without solving the underlying root cause will carry the situation to more devastating points. In such a case, first of all, the regression of the complaints will stop. In addition, we see that the allergies that seem to be resolved change shape in intestinal findings and we move to a new step. 

This is the period

respiratory allergies, 

frequent bronchitis, 

getting sick often 

Respiratory allergies, such as persistent nasal congestion 

Unexplained stomach aches


Shapeless defecation like mud, 


Constipation is not an easy bart reduction, such as a non-original bourse.

Despite many examinations such as allergy tests, heavy diets, progressive research, and interviews with a Pediatrician, Allergy specialist, Gastroentorologist, which are repeated many times but do not lead to treatment, it means that the period in which no cure can be found most of the time. In the meantime, the ground of the disease is strengthened with allergy drugs, acid suppressants, and cortisone drugs used to reduce the complaints, or rather to suppress the symptoms, which is the addition of salt and pepper to the disease. Because these drugs disrupt digestion or weaken the immune system (as I explained above), the body considers undigested foods hostile. This is one of the root causes of our problem. Immunosuppression has costs, such as leaving the body defenseless against infections, having severe infections, and increasing cancer incidence. At the last stage , the transition is made to the area where all tests, including endoscopy and colonoscopy, are performed but no results can be obtained.  

Imagine you're on a deserted farm. You could lose your life under the onslaught of wild animals in the area, what would you do if you had a guard dog that was given to you but was very aggressive because of the nail that sank into its paw and attacked you when you encountered it?

- Constantly running away so as not to encounter it? (Diet alone)

- Tie him up, starve him, and wait for him to calm down? (Using cortisone drugs)

- Saying a few nice words to him and putting more nails on the floor? (Using allergy meds and acid-suppressing digestive upsets under the name of stomach protectors?)

- Or is it to feed him right and gain his trust, try to find the reason that makes him angry, remove the nail in his paw and heal his foot, and collect the nails in the region so that such a situation does not happen again?

So how do we look at allergies with Functional Medicine and a holistic approach? What kind of path do we follow in treatment?

70% of allergies originate from the gut.

1- Fix your digestion first, you cannot cure allergies without good digestion. 

2- Treat the bowel, check the microbiota and, if necessary, design a bowel from scratch! Even with just these 2 steps, you will see many symptoms regress.

3- Check if a factor causes immunity astray (such as Toxins, Stress, Sleep problems, Allergens, Heavy metals, Agricultural poisons..)

4- Correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies (Without sufficient raw materials, many systems of the body, including immunity, deteriorate)

5- Apply the right nutrition model that is specific to the person.

6- Calm the immune system with natural supplements. This method is very different from immunosuppression with cortisone-based drugs. Here, intestinal functions are not suppressed, calming support is provided for the out-of-control intestine.

Many chronic diseases, including allergies, must be treated by investigating and finding the root cause and eliminating the factors that aggravate the condition. Thus, a transition from a drug-dependent artificial state of well-being to a natural state of health in which full healing is achieved can be achieved.

Focus on health, not illness, and remember, there is no hopeless problem except death.